Entrepreneurship 101 Course
Wondering how to make the most of a business idea? Building a Business that works for you is a lot easier when you master your Entrepreneurship 101 basics!

So you have this business idea in mind, and you are looking for ways to turn it into reality.
Maybe you have started already, maybe not. Either way, you don't want to spend your money, your time, and your energy on something that won't work, and you are wondering how to get things to the next level. The thing is, being an entrepreneur is trendy these days, but there is a lot more involved than the usual "try and see" approach. So, what if we shared some business coach tips and secrets you'll be able to leverage immediately to give your business the chance it deserves?
Join the happy family of entrepreneurs and business owners who've finally gotten to their next step!
Are you still wondering how to get things started the smart way?
We have a few tips to share!
Starting and developping a business should be fun! To do that, however, things need to get going pretty fast and, more importantly, they have to get profitable.
The thing is, the exercise can be a real challenge, which for a lot of small business owners means stress, pressure, uncertainty, and a lot of things to handle at the same time.
As business coaches and entrepreneurs ourselves, we have boosted hundreds of entrepreneurial minds and we know how that phase feels. For that reason, we have put together this Entrepreneurship 101 course to give business owners just like you some easy but reliable hints to get started with! The only question is, will you invest in yourself?
There's a harsh reality out there.
Most small businesses don't stand a chance!
Every day, a flood of hopeful entrepreneurs and business owners hop on the Internet dreaming of getting rich quick. But the reality is a little but more complicated. A few will succeed (we’ll talk about their secrets shortly), but the vast majority will fail.
Even if they get the best business ideas, they can’t turn them into dollar-paying clients. And even if they get some money rolling, they can’t figure out how to turn a so-so activity into a money-making, scalable, and bankable system that works for them, and without them.
Without the right guidance and the proper entrepreneurship 101 basics, that is to say, most small businesses don’t stand a chance.
Starting a business is easy, but...
Building a viable and profitable business source of income is complex.
The issue is often the same.
People have an idea and get into it headfirst, without asking themselves some key questions they really can’t afford to miss. They build a perfect product but forget to check whether there is demand for it. Or they have no real clue as to how to charge for their product or service.
They just go for it and try. But by doing so they also lose a precious amount of time, energy and money that could otherwise be leveraged a lot more efficiently. If they had asked themselves the right questions from the start, that is.
Without guidance, tons of small business owners get stuck quickly (and quit)
Like it or not, but starting (or growing) a business takes a lot of work and preparation. Finding the right model takes time, and learning how to pitch an idea efficiently takes a lot of work!
What that means is simple: without guidance, it’s very easy to lose one or two years. You’ll test and make mistkes (which isn’t a bad thing), but not knowing where to go and what to do next also means you will get stuck (which definitely is a bad thing).

Less than half of all businesses survive the first five years.

We hate to remind people, but the reality is that half businesses don’t survive the five-year milestone. But think about it – what are your chances if your entrepreneurship skills are not sharp enough?
The other options don’t look too sexy, do they?
- Keep digging and struggling until you come up with something.
- Use whatever you have and ‘hope’.
- Sacrifice your entrepreneurial dream and go back to your previous life.
Seems like an impossible choice, but how to avoid joining the unsuccessful crowd?
There's a secret. It's called Entrepreneurship 101.
People typically fail for a variety of reasons: wrong offer, wrong client, lack of comfort when it comes to money talks, poor pricing strategy and, of course, poor focus!
The mistakes young entrepreneurs make are numerous and lead to two conclusions.
One, entrepreneurship skills are a real thing. Two, your survival, your growth potential, and your income potential depend on your ability to develop them. Don’t screw that up!

Meet The ENTRepreneurship 101 course
Building a Business that works for you is a lot easier when your Entrepreneurship 101 basics are rock solid!
They Used our Courses!
Here's what they have to say!
Entrepreneurship takes a bit of method. Can you tell where to start?
There are tons of awesome small business owners out there, and all compete with technical skills and innovate products that (sadly) look the same. You probably are one of them!
Problem: nobody teaches you how to build an offer and run a business efficiently. And nobody shows you the typical traps you really want to (and can!) avoid either.
The most common solution is to try and hope someone will buy, but that’s not much to play with!
Sadly, hope isn’t a strategy and it won’t put you under the spotlight. Your entrepreneurship skills (and a good business plan), however, will do just that.

Issue #1: Being an entrepreneur is more complex than people think

First, if being an entrepreneur sounds trendy these days, the lifestyle isn’t always what it seems to be and you need to be prepared for whatever comes.
One, being an entrepreneur or living on your own terms as a freelancer implies having a specific mindset, and most peoples aren’t prepared for what comes next.
Two, you need to learn how to handle risk – not that easy when you don’t have the right mindset basics!
Three, while making money is the point, talking about money and selling yourself isn’t that easy. You need to expand your comfort zone accordingly!
Those points are essential, you have to be comfortable with them!
Issue #2: You must learn how to make the most of what you have!
Another issue for young entrepreneurs, freelancers and small business owners in general is that making the most of what they have isn’t their first reflex.
Some look for money (and lose their freedom), others try to do with whatever is available (and lose time).
Few, however, take a moment to think about how to leverage their time resources and money resources efficiently.
What you need, in reality, is to understand the rules of the game, and to master the basic methods you simply need to apply to get results!

Issue #3: Having a vision for your business is vital, but people ignore it!

That point is often disregarded as BS, but those who do that are wrong and tend to waste a lot of time and money.
Why? Because knowing where you want to get is the best way to get there. Still, many young business owners focus on moving headfirst and meet a wall sooner than later.
The key, therefore, is to understand why thinking ahead is important. Even better, it is to realize that having a vision will help you when it comes to pitching, selling, and making money.
Think about it!
Issue #4: Positioning and differentiation are not optional, but how?
Positioning and differentiation are another important topic that often turn into a mistake and trap.
One, young business owners think that building a product or service for everyone is the best way to make money. But that’s a trap.
Two, they also forget that the point is never to be cheap – it is to provide (huge) value for money. Getting there, however, takes a little bit of thinking and preparation work!
Said differently? Without this kind of entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurial skills, your business is doomed (and you are not aware of it yet!).

Issue #5: Dealing with mindset, pricing and the rest is never easy!

Last but not least, a major challenge for young business owners is to realize that a big part of their future success happens up there, in their heads.
There is a mindset to catch and adopt if you want to get things done.
There is a rather specific logic to understand and leverage from a money and value creation perspective.
And there is, overall, a decision to make as to how you’ll decide to move on: the easy way, or the hard way!
The good news is, all those topics are the ones we talk about in the Entrepreneurship 101 module – you have no excuse
Stop wasting your time & money! Boost your earning potential instead!
Starting a business is easy, but every entrepreneur ends-up asking themselves fundamental questions that get them stuck. To make your life a lot easier and save you years of work and energy, we designed the Entrepreneurship 101 Module.
It will help you solve those common issues you struggle with, and it’ll help you see through your entrepreneurial journey with confidence!

Learn, clarify and take action: massive value, in just a few hours!
Stop wasting your time, give your business a boost!
- Learn what typical mistakes are made by every entrepreneur (and stop making them now!).
- Find answers to the typical questions everybody keeps asking when they grow.
- Gain new ideas, learn life-changing concepts, break a few myths and start growing your business for real!
Leverage super actionable
self-coaching videos & templates!
- We answer the questions that get you stuck.
- We share best practices and experiences.
- We provide a workbook too!
- And the videos are available whenever you like, so you can work at your own pace!
Ultimately? The expertise of a business coach, at a price you can’t afford to ignore!

An entrepreneurship crash course delivered by a business coach and entrepreneur (no BS!)
This self-coaching program is delivered by Antoine Martin (Ph.D), business performance coach, entrepreneur and co-founder at Impactified. On a daily basis, Antoine coaches entrepreneurs and teams, designs leadership programs, uses design-thinking workshops to create Aha! moments that change people and businesses. But he also teaches business modelling and planning at university.
How about letting him help you avoid the basic mistakes you are about to make?
How About a Bonus?!
6 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Keep Making (That Cost Them a Fortune!)

Entrepreneurship 101:
Everything You Wish Someone Had Told You Before You Started...
Module Content
4 Topics:
- 1.0 | Introducing the Entrepreneurship 101 Module
- 1.1 | What Being an Entrepreneur is (Really) About
- 1.2 | How to Deal with Risks as an Entrepreneur
- 1.3 | Money-making, from Weird to Great.
4 Topics:
- 2.1 | We’ll See How It Goes. Right?
- 2.2 | Build More, Rush Less, Think Smart, Think Lean.
- 2.3 | Capital Basics – Are You Resourceful?
- 2.4 | Five Smart Things People Keep Forgetting
3 Topics:
- 3.1 | Reality check: The Right Mindset is in a Blind Spot
- 3.2 | Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mindset (And Nailing it)
- 3.3 | The One Mindset Shift That’ll Change Your Life as an Entrepreneur
2 Topics:
- 4.1 | Vision & Mission: The Mistake You Can’t Afford to Make
- 4.2 | Think Values Won’t Pay the Bills? You Know Nothing, John Snow…
4 Topics:
- 5.1 | Creating Value vs “Doing Sh..t” – Are You Making The Mistake?
- 5.2 | Differentiation – The Price Trap They All Fall Into
- 5.3 | Differentiation 2/3: The Mr Everyone Mistake
- 5.4 | Differentiation 3/3: It’s All About Mr & Mrs Unique
3 Topics:
- 6.1 | Creating Value Beyond Price? Easier Than You’d Think!
- 6.2 | Selling Without Selling? Try Onboarding!
- 6.3 | Making Onboarding Work for YOU.
4 Topics:
- 7.1 | Build character and skills, MBAs can wait…
- 7.2 | Filtering the Noise: Forget This, Try That
- 7.3 | Stand on the table: Your Chance to See Things Differently
- 7.4. | Ten Myths on Entrepreneurship You Need to Bust!
- Module Conclusion!
Get Results
In No Time
Skip the MBA! The videos and the tools we provide will make you catch the logic & get results in no time. We promise!
Think Smart
Level Up
The way you think (or rethink) your business can give you an unfair advantage. Be smart, think smart, use it!
That Business!
Stop making the usual mistakes, master your business – time to gear up and give your business a boost!
Free Course Included! Start Acting NOW!
Give Your business a chance, master your entrepreneurship 101 basics!

For who?
The Entrepreneurship 101 Module is designed for entrepreneurs and small-business owners looking for a boost to either scale an existing business, or start a new one with strong foundations.

It always starts from a great idea: you think about a business and you get into it as fast as you can. You build things up, you put your energy into it, but then you reach a glass ceiling. Sounds familiar? Exactly.

Video & Toolset included:
• Over 3h of self-coaching videos (25 topics, 8-14 min each on average) available on demand on your private dashboard.
• The companion Workbook: 100+ pages to think, work & build at your own pace;
• Bonus - Our 90min FREE Course (worth $189!) 6 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Keep Making (That Cost Them a Fortune!)
• Lifetime use - coach yourself till you drop!

Highly practical :
• 7 weeks of self-coaching content (available week-by-week and on-demand) designed by experienced business coaches and entrepreneurs to solve real issues faced by real entrepreneurs.;
• The most efficient way to see the bigger picture of what you are currently working on. The question is, will you decide to act?
Course ID:
Entrepreneurship 101 | The Entrepreneurship Course You Need!

Wondering how to build, boost or scale your own business? The Entrepreneurship 101 Course is a self-coaching module designed by business coaches & entrepreneurs
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: Impactified.com
Course Provider URL: https://impactified.com/self-coaching/entrepreneurship-101/