Does you brand help you drive profitable growth? Can your teams support your growth strategy? Let’s build a strong foundation for long-term success!
* 30day satisfaction guarantee! Get started without risk!

Caroline Doche
Growth Facilitator, Brand strategist, People developer
Caroline Doche is a growth facilitator located in Lisbon. She believes that creating strong brands starts with nurturing people, and therefore puts her energy, time and passion into building inspiring brands through customer and employee centric strategies.
With 25 years’ experience in marketing and sales leadership roles for global companies like Nestlé and Bacardi-Martini, across France, Portugal and the Asia-Pacific region, she has a deep understanding of the Food & Beverage industry and excels at engaging both B2B and B2C audiences. As a brand strategist, a growth facilitator and certified trainer, she now supports business leaders of various sizes in accelerating brand growth and developing their teams thanks to tried and tested tools & methodologies
Key Areas where Caroline is a game-changer
- Brand Strategy & Growth
- Business Positioning Strategy
- Client journey & Blue Ocean Strategy Facilitation
- Growth Facilitation & Company Value Development
- CEO & CXO Decision-making Facilitation
- Top Management & Mid Management Coaching
Solving business issues is what we do!
Every business leader faces complex business situations sooner than later, but there are solutions to every problem out there!
5 typical Issues my clients Face
Do you feel like your business is hitting a glass ceiling? These issues are typical (and we can help tackling them, obviously!)
There are Solutions for every problem!
The most difficult part is to get in touch, what are you waiting for?
Wondering how that Worked Out?
The best way to know is to read what past clients have said!

The Impactified Guarantee
Your Turn Now. Ready To Gear Up?
Here's The Next Step!
1. Book a call
The best way to start is to book a call and get the discussion started. Our meetup calls are the easy way to break the ice and see where the discussion gets you. You’ll love it, try!
2. Get started!
Once the opportunity to collaborate is clear, the next step is to get started! There are two types of people in reality: those who wait, and those who take action NOW! Which are you?
3. Meet again!
Progress takes recurrence. Our sessions last 50/90 minutes, depending on the needs, twice or three times a month! The decision is yours, but again all it takes is a decision to act!
food for thougth
Here is a snapshot of some of the topics the Impactified scale facilitation experts and business advisors cover routinely with their clients. It’s time to give your own business a boost, what are you wiaiting for? Start taking action now!
Looking For
Coaching Tips?
Caroline Doche | Growth Facilitator (Lisbon, Porto, Portugal) | Impactified
Caroline Doche is a Growth Facililator, Marketing Strategist and Business Coach in Lisbon, Portugal. She supports business leaders in their business development needs [...]
Job Title: Business Coach, Coach de Dirigeant
Caroline Doche is a business advisor affiliated with the Impactified network. Find out more here:
Also tagged as Business Coach in Hong Kong