Philippe Bonnet | Scale Facilitator & Business Coach, Impactified CEO

Philippe Bonnet Impactified business coach

Philippe Bonnet is the co-founder of Impactified, a business coach, and an entrepreneur himself, who excels at challenging those who take control of their lives. He has since 2010 made more than a hundred entrepreneurs grow, (re)position their business models, and develop internationally.

Antoine Martin | Scale Facilitator & Business Coach (Lisbon) & Impactified Co-Founder

antoine martin business coach impactified

Antoine Martin is Impactified ‘s Co-Founder & Chief Impact Officer. He is also a business performance coach who loves challenging entrepreneurial minds and has pushed dozens to gear up and level up. If you are looking for a push and want to (re)think your strategy and operations, he’ll make you think outside the box! Beware, Aha! moments guaranteed!