Talks & Seminars


Our team regularly gives talks and seminars to entrepreneurs and executives, in co-working spaces, in business premises or at international conferences. Here are some of the topics we explore, feel free to get in touch!


Innovation or Impact?

Innovation is a big thing these days. People talk and brag about it, but many questions remain as to how Innovation can take place. In this talk, we discuss how Impact Thinking can get your Innovation Strategy to the next level, and will offers tips as to how you could innovate starting with what you already have. Will you dare?

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Impact Strategy: Why Your Business Needs One & How to use it.

Have you ever thought about whether your business could be like if you grounded it into a dose of Impact Thinking? In this talk, we explore the ins and outs of business strategies based on Impact, with a view to give the participants some hints as to what alternative ideas can bring. Profit, non-profit, personal leadership, we can all benefit from developing an Impact mindset. What are you waiting for?

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Need a Kick-Ass Value Proposition? Think Impact.

Profit, non-profit, NGO, personal leadership… everything we do ultimately comes down to a matter of value proposition. But how do you build a convincing value proposition in the first place? In this talk, we discuss business strategy and value proposition from an Impact angle. All it takes is a decision to try… Supercharging your value proposition is easy, what are you waiting for?

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Vision, Mission, Values… Is this Just BS?

We all hear about the importance of giving our businesses a strong vision, a mission and values, but how many of us seriously work on these? Let’s face it, these are BS, aren’t they? Well, think again. In this Talk, we discuss business basics taking Impact development as an alternative to the usual approach to doing business. Why don’t you give it a try?

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Leveraging Impact for Personal Leadership

Personal leadership development is extremely important these days. Sooner than later, we all need to rise, shine, inspire and lead. But how can we make a difference out there into the wild? If you are looking for ways to build your personal leadership and branding, this session will help you get one step ahead!

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Is your business strategy Impactful? How to leverage strategic thinking 101 for better results.

Running a project is complex, so can you decide where to start from? In this talk, we discuss the basics of strategy development, from goal definition to human validation, process development and implementation, and testing. There are ways to be more efficient, aren’t you interested in finding out more?

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